Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 37 - Rain

I put fear of hating something aside, and bought 2 tickets to see "Rain, A Tribute to the Beatles" as part of an early Valentine's Day celebration with my beau. My significant other was quite shocked by my purchase, and realizes what a sacrifice this is for me as I've never claimed anything but disgust for the Beatles. I'm sure hearing rowdy neighbors (well, one neighbor - see post 2N) blast the song "Yellow Submarine" over and over and over weekend after weekend, did nothing to help endear the band to me either.

On a positive note, I recently realized I do like some of the Beatles' music (see post Day 19 - Secrets), and while I understand what they did for the world of music, I just don't care - Elvis was way hotter! So with this attitude, you see how attending this event may seem like cruel and unusual punishment to me. None the less, I will put on a brave face the night of the event and insure that I Don't Be Cruel so my Beatles loving boyfriend will have a blast. Who knows, maybe I'll find a hunka, hunka, Burning Love or a Good Luck Charm to keep me entertained. Critique of event sure to follow!

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