Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 361 - 2011 Event Totals - Wow!

At the beginning of my blog (360 days and posts ago!), I created a self induced challenge to participate in some type of "event" every month. I even started a page within my blog to track my progress and now, to some shock, have added up my totals. Total money spent on registration fees (YIKES!), miles traveled (roughly), and the amount of dollars raised for charity. So here's the break out!

In the past twelve months I have participated in:
15 different events.

In the past twelve months I have raised:
$1,400 for charity, specifically Children's Memorial Hospital, breast cancer research, and my favorite, the Cheetah Conservation Fund.

In the past twelve months I have spent: $506 on entry fees. Wow, is all I can say...wish I hadn't kept track of THAT number! But, the fact is, I wouldn't change a thing about the events I've participated in and can't wait to repeat some of them next year!

In the past twelve months I have traveled: 61.9 miles via foot and pedal during events, and heaven only knows how many extra miles I've tacked on to this total by driving and walking to the events themselves.

In the past twelve months my favorite event has been: The Dirty Girl Mud Run allowed me to prove to myself that I can tackle anything and I felt a HUGE sense of physical accomplishment after completing this event. Climbing over the two-story cargo net was the worst (and best) thing in the event, besides the mud of course!

In the past twelve months my greatest event based accomplishment has been: Being able to raise over $1,000 dollars for the Cheetah Conservation Fund! At times I thought I was never going to make this goal, but with tons of help from tons of people, even strangers and fellow blog readers, I made it! In doing so, I was one of only 5 Chicagoans who raised this amount of money, and earned the opportunity to meet and pet a live cheetah! It was so amazing!

In the past twelve months I learned: This challenge was not easy! There were days that I didn't feel good and didn't want to get out of bed, and there were plenty of weather challenges that just out right sucked to deal with. I won't even mention the sore feet and tight muscles. There were times I thought to myself, "Who would know if I did these events or not?" but my self conscience always won and shoved me out the door. Despite some of the drawbacks, I learned that I can pretty much do anything I set my mind to, whether I go alone or have fellow "eventers" with me and that I can make friends anywhere I go. I met a lot of new people, if only at the events, who not only did I help, but who helped me through the events in return. 

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