Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 358 - Eve Inspiration

I made some abnormal plans for tonight's Christmas eve, but knew being surrounded by friends that I would enjoy my time, no matter how the plans turned out. Bucking tradition, I left work and headed out to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner, after all nothing says Feliz Navidad like mariachi music!

My friends and I arrived to our restaurant of choice in unison, greeted with hugs and proceeded to sit down for this unorthodox holiday dinner. And ya know what, it was pretty awesome!
The chips and dip and holiday cheer flowed and smiles were exchanged over crumpled gift wrap. Soon our dinner of enchiladas and tacos were upon us, and this group of amigos cleaned our plates with no complaints! 

After dinner, and sitting for a while in hopes that time would help our bulging bellies digest, we headed over to the cinema to see the much anticipated movie, "We Bought A Zoo". While this movie was not holiday themed, it (along with the love of my friends) supplied me with plenty of quotes, thoughts, inspiration and hopefulness for the new year. I'm sure a trip to the zoo itself may be just one of my 2012 adventures!

As the night ended all too soon, hugs gift wrapped in love were exchanged and with this I was reminded what the season is truly all about, love. And for that, giving and receiving it, I am truly thankful.

How will Christmas inspire you this year? Do you let the magic of the season in, or do you stay wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of shopping, prepping, cooking, and wrapping never looking up to enjoy those around you? What new traditions have you started, or hope to start? It's not too late, Christmas is just around the corner! 

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