Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 156 - P.S.

Today I thought I'd borrow an idea from a friend, and post about some positive things that I am thankful for. The P.S. in today's title stands for Positive Sunday!

1) Friends coming from the suburbs to pick me up, and participate in the United Fun Run/Walk for the Zoo 5K with me. As I have participated in many events alone, I have come to appreciate having friends to talk to along the way!

2) I appreciate and am thankful that the scale is finally moving in a positive direction for me! It's been a lot of hard work, but I'm getting closer to my goals.

3) I got asked to work on Sunday, and while working 7 days a week is not a thrill, I'm thankful to have work, and to be active. Also, this helped me get out of the apartment and not watch TV for (most of) day 2 of my self induced "No TV Challenge".

4) I'm thankful and so very blessed to have the love and support of the world's best boyfriend. He understands when I'm stressed with life, and takes a step back and let's me (eventually) come to my own conclusion that I am being a "brat", instead of pointing it out to me.

5) I'm thankful I have the power to break the chain of dysfunctional actions that my upbringing ingrained in me. Despite needing to, and working on change, I am thankful for the challenges I've been put through as they all lead me one step closer to being a better me!

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