Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 319 - Tuesdays with Lynnie

You've all heard of the story, "Tuesdays With Morrie" right? It was originally a book, turned "made for TV movie", and eventually turned into an off Broadway play - all of which I have proudly read, viewed and attended multiple times. The story, written by one of my favorite authors Mitch Albom, is a recount of the author's habitual Tuesday visits with one of his favorite college professors, Morrie. As Mitch visits the aging and ailing Morrie, he learns valuable life lessons. I highly recommend reading the book if you haven't already, opposed to reading or following the useless Tuesday lessons I have posted here.

During a sound sleep, if my jaw happens to fall open, my cat will wake me up at 3:07am by sniffing around and trying to climb into my mouth, as if hunting down whatever it was that I last ate.

When requesting, "quite a few" hot sauce packets from Taco Bell despite ordering only one small item, you will receive 15 hot sauce packets (which is about 11 more then one really needs).

Starting laundry at 9:45pm and then staying up to blog about it is not a smart idea. Ever.

Asking someone in American Sign Language class how to sign the word, "fart" is never a good idea as it is immediately followed by immature giggle fits, followed even more quickly by the teacher telling me (despite my age) to go stand in the corner (again).

The less time I spend on my appearance, including skipping a hair washing, the more compliments I receive. Go figure. Less really is more.

Based on the comment above, and his ability to find the one loose strand of fringe on a blanket, and then proceed to pull on it and destroy half of said blanket, I've come to realize I have the feline version of the monster dog in the novel, "Marley and Me". Good grief.

The distance from parking space to bathroom is directly proportionate to the minuscule size of your bladder.

While you may have learned nothing by these useless lessons, I hope you've at least giggled a bit and have been reminded that sometimes, despite childhood like immaturity, it's good to just be a "kid" again and not take life so seriously. Happy, Morrie-inspired Tuesday!

Morrie Schwartz - Dancing through life, and enjoying every minute of it.

1 comment:

  1. Asking someone in American Sign Language class how to sign the word, "fart" is never a good idea as it is immediately followed by immature giggle fits, followed even more quickly by the teacher telling me (despite my age) to go stand in the corner (again).

